Thursday, June 29, 2023



The first step in crafting your life as you want is to get rid of everything you don't - Joshua Becker

Decluttering the house regularly is important. According to recent study on an average America every person has around 300,000 items. 

When my family and I decided to move, the first and foremost task was to declutter the house. For every room I had three piles. The first was throw away, if it cannot be used.  Second was to donate, if I have not used the new items for a while then donate it, because the chances are that I will not be able to use. The third was to keep pile. Then I opened the to keep pile in two weeks and see if I will really be using all the stuff or still would like to donate some. 

I realized decluttering the house made me happy and I felt an accomplishment. Before buying anything I talk to myself, do I really need this thing. When I go out, I spent more time doing nature walks, rather than going to the stores and get the urge to buy something. Do you like to declutter the house regularly?

   - Nidhi     

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Taking the First Step


     The journey of thousand miles start with a single step- Lau Tzu

   I feel the first step is very important, as if you do not try you don't know if you can do it. During the process there can be obstacles, you can overcome them with the right plan and perseverance. sometimes you learn from your own experiences. I

 I can share one of my experience. I have been trying to eat healthy. I am vegetarian. There are many options for me to eat whether I am making myself or eating out.  Then, there is also a lot of information out there and I think which diet plan I should follow. I came up to the conclusion, I will follow the recipes which I can easily make, not a lot of fried food. Include the essential elements which are needed for good health. 

I feel I am not there with my eating healthy goals, with each step there is a learning experience. There are learning experiences along the way and slowly I will be where I want to be. 

Likewise, the list will go on and for each task the first step is very important. what would you like to do next?

- Nidhi


    Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem - Walt Disney

        This quote from Walt Disney made me think, some dreams are big and other small we have to keep on believing and follow them with hard work and perseverance. 

       My family and I wanted to move some place warm. It took few years to plan and when we decided that we will move in 2020-21, the COVID happened. It was a stressful and fearful situation all across the world.  In each and every household there was one kind of challenge. People could not go out for work. Only the essential workers were going in the COVID time, most essentially the doctors to save life of people. There was stress in every family, either they or the family member was suffering from the disease. 

     Then, few years went by, situations got better and the time came when my family could put the plan into action and we moved to the warm place this year. Now, I think what I should dream next? What are your dreams?


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Active Listening

Active listening is a great skill. Good listening enables people to tell their stories. The art of listening requires that you prepare yourself and show that you are listening. We listen at 125-250 words per minute (wpm), think at 1000-3000 wpm. 75% of the time, we are distracted, preoccupied, or forgetful. 20% of the time, we remember what we hear. Listening involves good body language and non-verbal communication. 

For active listening, have good eye contact, do not interrupt, and encourage people to talk. Egan gave the SOLER approach for active listening. That means, Squarely faces the person, Open posture, Lean towards the person, Eye contact, and Relax. By practicing these skills, a person can enhance active listening skills with friends, family, and coworkers.

 People like being listened to as it demonstrates respect.  As a good listener, a person will show that he/she is attentive and interested in what the speaker is saying and resist the temptation to interrupt. Using silence gives the speaker space and time to think about, construct and say what they mean. Encourage the speaker to explore their thoughts. Make it clear that you are interested in helping them to develop their thoughts and ideas. The active listener will notice any misconceptions or prejudices there may be. The active listener will be skillful in reflecting on what the speaker has said. This helps clarify understanding and lets the speaker know that you are focusing on what they mean. This also helps the speaker clarify complex thinking and provides an opportunity for them to elaborate. When you reflect, it enables the speaker to confirm or correct your understanding. Mirroring what the speaker has said and using the same words is very helpful.

How do you practice active listening?

- Nidhi

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


      In Toastmasters, most of the mentors are mentees or protégés themselves. A mentor is a member who provides guidance and support to protégé to reach his or her goals. They are positive, supportive, dependable, and caring.  Coaching is different from mentoring. Protégé in mentoring determines the tasks and steps of accomplishment. Coaching has more skill-specific involvement.

      Now, who is a protégé? A protégé is a member who seeks guidance and support from a mentor to reach his or her goals. Members with years of experience can benefit from a mentor's support as much as a new member working toward his or her first speech. Having a mentor benefits me a lot.

     In Pathways, members learn about mentorship in the “Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring” project at Level 2. There is also the Pathways Mentor Program. After completing a short-term mentorship, the skills are applied to commit to a longer, six-month mentorship. After completion of the Pathways Mentor Program, the member receives a certificate. In addition, Toastmasters and Base Camp profiles will show that the member is a designated Pathways Mentor.


My intention of joining Toastmasters was to improve upon my public speaking skills.

I am a great listener, but when it comes to speaking, I have great fear. Also, when I am

in any social gathering, I have a hard time talking to people. 

In Toastmasters, we learn to become better communicators through public speaking practice and taking different leadership roles. It is a very supportive environment to practice speaking and leadership skills.

The icebreaker speech is a very memorable speech for the speaker as this is the first speech in Toastmasters. This may sometimes be very nerve-racking. In the icebreaker speech, the speaker introduces himself or herself.

I remember my icebreaker speech. I was very nervous standing behind the lectern with both hands tightly holding the table. I chose the title ‘ Close to my Heart’. I talked about my mother and how I am feeling her presence throughout my journey of life. I lost my mother when I was three, how I carry her memories through others' experiences. After my speech, I received many encouraging comments from fellow members for the delivery of my speech.

 I have given many speeches after my icebreaker speech, and I know I have a lot to improve, but my icebreaker speech is still special. 

What was your icebreaker speech like?

- Nidhi

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Goals to Think


Many of us have felt uncertainty in the year 2020. At the end of the year we thought, were we able to achieve the goals we made at the beginning of the year? It is ok to feel this way as last year many goals were changed or not achieved, then there were goals which we achieved too! Some situations are still uncertain in this year, but the new year brings new beginnings and new enthusiasm to set new goals or complete the old ones. No matter what, 2020 gave us enough time for self reflection and growth. 

Now, the first step in making goals is to think about what to achieve and write it down. If it seems bigger, break it down into smaller goals. Plan how you will achieve your goal/goals. Then start making efforts to achieve. Once the goal is accomplished, celebrate!

What do you think, how are your goals different in 2021 or are they the same?

- Nidhi


  The first step in crafting your life as you want is to get rid of everything you don't - Joshua Becker Decluttering the house regularl...